
  1. The review of key parameters and determinants of Lebanon’s economy leads to the conclusion that the model that may have served it well for a time is now out of breath – anemic growth, rampant unemployment, widening income gap, rising poverty, loss of human talent, obsolete infrastructure and widespread natural and environmental degradation – and can no longer meet the expectations and vital needs of a stable and prosperous society.

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1. The review of key parameters and determinants of Lebanon’s economy leads to the conclusion that the model that may have served it well for a time is now out of breath – anemic growth, rampant unemployment, widening income gap, rising poverty, loss of human talent, obsolete infrastructure and widespread natural and environmental degradation – and can no longer meet the expectations and vital needs of a stable and prosperous society. Read more

I – Taking stock

1. Since independence, Lebanon has been periodically plagued by conflict and strife within and across its borders. A lingering state of unstable equilibrium exacted a heavy toll in lives and livelihoods, confining the country at times to the intensive care unit, and continues to threaten its existence, fray its national unity, weaken its society’s cohesion, and undermine its institutions. Read more

أولاً – قراءة في الواقع

١. منذ استقلاله يعاني لبنان من تجاذبات وصراعات دورية، ضمن حدوده أوعبرها، ألزمته أحياناً غُرَفَ العناية الفائقة ودَفَع من جرَّائها أثماناً باهظة بالأرواح والأرزاق، وما زالت بين الحين والآخر تهدّدُ وجوده، وتُقَوِّض وحدةَ مجتمعِه، وتشُلُّ عملَ مؤسساتِه وتعطِّل آليات الدستور وأحكامه. وتجلَّت النتائج بتباطء مسيرة التقدم وإعادة الإعمار، وتشويه لمعالم الطبيعة والمدن، وتراجع لموقع لبنان على شتّى الصُعُد مقارنةً بدول الجوار والبلدان الناشئة، ما سَرَّع من هجرة الشبابِ والنخبِ الفكرية والمهنية والحرفية. Read more